Friday, July 18, 2008

CO or Bust

Every summer for the past 8 years, Tim &/or I have gone to Colorado with our youth group. We call it Youth Quake. There are 3 or 4 churches involved. I go as a sponsor. Tim goes to lead worship. Departure is always Friday night around 8 or 8:30, driving all night for 14 hours. The only stops made are for gas and the extra emergency "potty break." Saturday morning they will arrive in Denver and go have breakfast at the local Denney's or some such establishment. After that, they will continue on to the camp ground, pitch their tents, dig trenches around the tents, and get settled. Sunday is a leisure hang out kinda day. Monday or Tuesday they will white water raft which is SO much FUN! The other day they divide the church groups up, mix them up, and have "family" time so they can get to know the students from the other churches. Wednesday is Stress Day. It is named this because they will climb a mountain to a specified summit and have worship. It takes about 4 hours for me to make the climb, but I am incredibly out of shape! (It's more like a hike up instead of an actual climb.) Thursday they will go into Breckenridge for some good food and great shopping. Friday morning, they head home.

Every night they have "church." There is worship, a speaker, and youth group time. Tim is in charge of the worship. He takes a full band with him, complete with drums, bass, electric, and acoustic guitar. This is the same band he takes with him when he does church camp worship. They are an amazing group of young men who are on fire for the Lord. I love each of them for various reasons! But most of all, they are such an encouragement to my husband.

This is Tim's last summer to do any camps and Youth Quake as the worship leader. In the future he will be going as a dad. I think that is so awesome. All his life, all he ever wanted was to have a wife and kids. I am so excited for him to be a daddy at church events! So few people at the church ever get to see him in that roll.

Please pray this week for Tim, Joe, Jared (our youth minister and the assistant ym), all the sponsors, and of course all the kids! It's an amazing experience being out in the mountains, God's untouched creation, and experience Him.

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